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Article: Cellulite: What Really Works?


Cellulite: What Really Works?

cellulite what works

Cellulite is a tricky one. Whilst it is hugely common in both men and women, and there is completely nothing wrong with having it, dimply legs, bums and thighs still play on our minds.

After years of products promising to get rid of cellulite, we now know it is unrealistic to say that patting on a bit of cream or slopping oil over the skin alone is going to cut it. Thankfully though, there are things we can do to alleviate the issue. Here’s where ‘the orange peel effect’ comes from and how a combined change-of-lifestyle effort can help to ease it.

Get Rid Of Cellulite: The Facts

In the simplest terms, cellulite is pockets of fat that have squeezed themselves between bands of tissue under your skin. It forms in areas with the least circulation meaning that, in short, increasing blood circulation and loosening the fat tissues can help reduce the appearance of it.

“I would always hesitate to suggest to clients that cellulite can be eliminated forever, but there are definitely steps you can take to help improve the appearance."

- Dr Justine Hextall


To keep on top of cellulite you need to stay consistent. This includes incorporating massage into your daily beauty regime. “There’s a limit to the effectiveness of topical creams,” explains Dr Hextall. “But massaging with it regularly may improve the blood waft, soften the underlying fibrous tissue and make improvements to the lymph flow. It also helps to hydrate and plump the skin, improving its appearance.”

Cellu-Lite Targeted Pro Action Oil for Legs

This has been specifically formulated by award winning beauty journalist and ‘leg expert’ Kate Shapland. She combined essential oils such as Grapefruit, Sweet Brazilian Orange, Juniper Berry and Geranium (to name but a few), that are key to the process of getting rid of cellulite and loaded them into a potent oil. This detoxifying and stimulating combination helps lighten heavy legs, flush out trapped fluid and aid your contouring regime. Massage it in, starting from the bottom of the affected area, upwards.

Legology Circu-Lite Vacuum Cup

This was brought into the range by Kate to further the effects of the Cellu-Lite oil. This is a brilliant home vacuum cup designed to firm skin and help get rid of cellulite. It works by boosting leg circulation and breaking down fat deposits (the little dimples) by drawing skin into the vacuum. Squeeze it shut, rest it onto oiled skin, release, then slowly glide it up your legs to drag the lymph upwards.

Tip: Massaging products into the skin straight after exercise is more productive as the ingredients will absorb better.

cellulite body brushing

Invest In A Body Brush

Emma recommends body-brushing daily; “If your circulatory system is stagnant and you aren’t getting enough blood flow and nourishment to the outer layers of fat and skin on your hips, bottom and thighs, then toxins will accumulate there. It’s important to body brush the affected areas every day, always stroking towards the heart.” Legology Lymph-Lite Body Brush is the perfect size for ease of use and a firm grip. It’s natural bristles are designed to buff away dryness and help stimulate blood flow.


Diet is crucial on your journey to get rid of cellulite. For more information on specific foods to incorporate into your diet read our blog on them here.

“Toxicity in the body can cause a build-up of cellulite as chemicals and other pollutants can get trapped in your fatty tissue meaning that the system gets overloaded,” says nutrition coach Emma Robertson.

The best foods for a body detox? “Green vegetables, broccoli, cabbage, sprouts and cauliflower help you to stay healthy on the inside. Bananas and mangoes are also brilliant at increasing blood flow around the body,” Emma explains. Up your intake of anti-oxidants too; “Try berries, coconut, avocado and green tea.”


Fitness coach Cecilia Harris, shares her top exercise tips to help get ahead of cellulite.

“To combat cellulite, you need to move your glutes (buttocks) to promote blood flow to the area. Most of the time we are sitting on our bottoms so the muscles hardly get used. Some people hardly use their glutes, even when they are moving, because they walk using their quads and hamstrings. Repetitive Squats, lunges and anything that isolates the muscles are great but make sure you mix them with cardio workouts that also get your blood pumping. It’s a constant battle to keep cellulite at bay so regular exercise needs to be a way of life.”


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