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Article: How To Apply HRT Gel


How To Apply HRT Gel


One body.  Two, three or even four body products – one or two of which might be your HRT gel.  Or your Legology products.  Which do you apply first, and in what order? 

We’ve been asked this question many times over the years, so here’s how we do it.   

It’s recommended that topical HRT – so your oestrogen gel and, if you are prescribed it, testosterone cream – are applied to the thighs and/or inner arms.  You can do this either in the morning after a shower or in the evening before bed.  Our feeling is that while HRT is a prescribed medicine it’s application should take priority with other products fitting around that, so decide first which time of the day works best for you to apply your HRT. 

The best time to use Legology depends on the products you are using.  

Cellu-Lite detox oil and our body brush are best used in the morning because both have a stimulating effect on the body which is more suited to the start of the day following a shower.  You can use our body brush before, during or after a shower – so either on wet, dry or damp skin, and before or after applying Cellu-Lite oil.  Many women find that brushing over the oil, after you’ve applied it to areas of cellulite, and then over the rest of the body, works well to help the oil absorb faster. 

If you prefer to apply your HRT in the morning, and are using Cellu-Lite, start by body brushing, then apply the HRT to your arms, not legs, leaving that free to apply the oil.  Or, if you are using Cellu-Lite on your arms, swap the body areas around, so your HRT goes on your legs. 

If you are one of the many women who have discovered how Air-Lite can boost the anti-cellulite benefits of our detox oil, and you prefer to use HRT in the morning, apply our contouring cream to your legs or arms only, over the oil, so that there are areas of skin that are clean and dry for applying HRT to. 

Air-Lite, which contains ingredients to promote the lymph, can be applied morning or evening.  It’s as powerful as the oil in promoting the lymph but it doesn’t have the same stimulating ingredients, so works well as an overnight cream.  If you are only using Air-Lite, and taking HRT, apply it to your legs or entire body after body brushing at a time of the day when you are not using HRT – so morning or evening.    

It’s fine to just body brush before applying HRT, but the bottom line is your skin must be clean and dry before applying HRT.  So in a nutshell: 


Apply HRT to areas you have not applied Cellu-Lite and/or Air-Lite after body brushing. 

Or apply the products separately at different times of the day. 

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